Winter Car Storage

Winter can do untold damage to vehicles so trust Storacar to take extra special care of your vehicle. Our winter car storage comes from just £36.92 per week and will protect your vehicle from the harsh environment. When the spring comes your car will be all ready for you to enjoy it again - or you can take advantage of our Long Term Car Storage solutions.

What price for the safety of your car?

We appreciate that to you your vehicle is priceless. However Storacar Winter Car Storage starts at just £36.92 per week. A small price to pay for peach of mind. Our range of packages include:

• Indoor, dry and secure storage facility
• Unique Active Storage Programme including 30 day checks of tyre, battery and engine
• Dehumidified environment option to reduce damp and protect your vehicle even more
• Premium solutions including 30 day tyres and battery conditions check.
Winter Car Storage
Winter Car Storage

How do you store your car over winter?

Obviously the safest and best way is to store your car over winter with Storacar. However there are also some things you should do to protect your car and keep it safe from the environment.

• Remove dirt and dust to avoid corrosion
• Fill your tank to reduce condensation levels that can build
• Inflate tyres to correct level to avoid flat spots
• Change your oil to reduce any contaminants that may damage the engine